Vertical Gastric Sleeve — VGS
The Truth About Surgery Day: Vertical Gastric Sleeve
Chrystal Nwankwo

On August 30, 2017, I had the Vertical Gastric Sleeve done at the University Hospital in Augusta, Georgia. Getting to the hospital at 12, the first thing I did was check-in. I appeared to be calm and relaxed on the outside, but a nervous wreck on the inside. After waiting for 45 minutes, they finally called me back. Pre-OP The first thing the nurse did was take my vitals which consisted of the following; my weight, blood pressure, and pulse. My pulse was the only one that caused a little alarm. My nerves and anxiety caused the numbers to be...
How I Felt 2 Months After Having The VGS
Chrystal NwankwoOn August 30th, 2017, I had the Vertical Gastric Sleeve procedure done. The first two months have been an emotional roller coaster for me. I went from being so excited that I had the surgery to feeling a little discouraged because I was always comparing myself to others. I created an Instagram page to help get the support from others in the community and also help others. After creating Instagram, I stayed on it all day every day. Looking at different peoples’ progress was so inspirational to me before the surgery. After the operation instead of finding inspiration, I found...
3rd Week Update| Vertical Gastric Sleeve
Chrystal Nwankwo

Three weeks ago, my doctor performed the Vertical Gastric Sleeve on me. My first couple of days were the hardest. The night I was released from the hospital, I struggled to sleep in my bed because I had so much pressure in my stomach. I slept on my couch for the first two weeks. The procedure didn’t interrupt my day to day life too much. I was able to start driving two days after the surgery. I also was able to return to work a week after my surgery because I was never in much pain. Thankfully. Instead of pain,...
I am Still Hungry. . . What Now? | Vertical Gastric Sleeve Edition
Chrystal Nwankwo

If your anything like me, you may have thought, “Once I get the vertical gastric sleeve done my cravings are going to go away.” Yeah right think again. If you don’t know… My favorite food is hot wings. It’s the one food that I could eat everyday pre-surgery. Post- Surgery I still have random moments when I will get a STRONG craving for them. I could be doing something as simple as getting dressed for work or taking a shower, and hot wings will cross my mind. That’s when I realized I had to make a choice. Am I going...
What’s In My Hospital Bag? V.S What I Wish I Had | Vertical Gastric Sleeve Edition
Chrystal Nwankwo

Now that you are on your liquid diet, I am sure you are trying to figure out what you need to pack for your hospital stay? In My Bag I Packed: 2 Pair of PJ pants 2 T-Shirts 2 pair of Undies 2 boxes of Gas- X Book Phone Charger Phone Charger Case Tampons Headphones After packing all of these things guess how many I used? I only used the charger and the headphones. Use my experience as a lesson to not over pack. As long as you don’t have any complications you should only be in the hospital 1-2...