Unconsciously Living 3.0
Unconsciously Living 3.0
Unconsciously Living 3.0
Unconsciously Living 3.0
Unconsciously Living 3.0
Unconsciously Living 3.0

Unconsciously Living 3.0

Regular price $20.00 $0.00 Unit price per


Welcome to a Journey of Joy, Peace, Confidence, and Creativity!

When God created us, His intention was for our lives to be brimming with joy, peace, confidence, and creativity. However, life can bring its share of challenges and negative emotions. The key is how we choose to react.

You hold the power to shape your emotional landscape. While you may not control everything that happens in life, you have full control over how you respond. It's normal to experience negative feelings, but the crucial question is: What will you do with them?

Will you dwell on them, allowing guilt, worry, and bitterness to take root and poison your life? Or will you choose a different path, one that preserves your peace and paves the way for positivity?

It's time to transition from living on autopilot to consciously embracing a positive mindset.

Introducing Your Transformational Journal:

🌟 "Positive Mindset Journey: A 6-Month Journal" 🌟

This journal is your companion on the path to cultivating joy, peace, confidence, and creativity. Inside, you'll find a series of daily prompts designed to guide your thoughts and actions over the next six months. By dedicating a few moments each morning and night to these prompts, you'll embark on a transformative journey towards your desired life.

Remember, this is your journey, and it's time to take the first step.

Let's begin the adventure towards a positive mindset and a life filled with joy, peace, confidence, and creativity. Start journaling today, and let the transformation unfold!



Trim Size: 7.44" x 9.68"
Page Count: 295 Interior: Color
Paper Type: Uncoated White 
Binding Type: Perfect Bound

Cover Finish: Glossy



Return/Refund Policy: All sales are final, no returns or refunds

Each journal will carefully be inspect it before shipping. for any reasons, if there is a problem with your order, please send an email to: 

lovechrysj@theshiftingyou.com so your issue can be further discussed.